Lease agreements are regulated under the Fourth Section of the Turkish Code of Obligations (“TCO”) No. 6098, titled Lease Agreement, and are divided into three sub-sections: (i) General Provisions, (ii) Lease of Residential and Roofed Business Premises, and finally (iii) Usufructuary Leases. In this article, the lessor’s right of termination of lease agreements for residential...Read More
Освобождение от НДС при покупке недвижимости в Турции Иностранные инвестиции в Турции стали привлекательны благодаря возможности получения турецкого гражданства и концессий в виде освобождения от налогооблажения НДС. Согласно подпункту (i) статьи 13 Налогового Кодекса Турции, при покупке недвижимости иностранцы и граждане Турции, проживающие за границей, могут быть освобождены от НДС при выполнении следующих условий: Лица...Read More
Ödeme emri, alacaklının alacağına ilişkin icra dairesine yönelttiği icra takibi talebi üzerine, icra dairesince kanuni şartları taşıdığı tespit edilerek borçluya tebliğ edilen belgedir. 1 Genel Haciz Yolu ile Takipte Ödeme Emrine İtiraz Ödeme emrine itiraz, 2004 sayılı İcra ve İflas Kanunu (“İİK”) md. 62 hükmü uyarınca, takip talebi ve ödeme emrinde borçlu olarak gösterilmiş ve kendisine...Read More
An arbitration agreement is an agreement by the parties to refer all or part of the disputes which have arisen, or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship to a sole arbitrator or an arbitral tribunal.The laws that may be applicable to the validity of an arbitration agreement under the...Read More
21 Eylül 2022 tarihli ve 31960 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan Tüketici Hakem Heyetleri Yönetmeliği (“Yeni Yönetmelik”) ile 27 Kasım 2014 tarihli ve 29188 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan Tüketici Hakem Heyetleri Yönetmeliği (“Eski Yönetmelik”) yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır. Yeni Yönetmelik ile önemli değişiklikler getirilmiştir.Yeni Yönetmelikle “İl müdürü”, “Kamu Alacakları Tahsilat Platformu”, “Kayıtlı Elektronik Posta”, “Kayıtlı Elektronik Posta Hesabı”...Read More
There are basically three main ways for a partner of a limited liability company to leave the company. These are (i) leaving the partnership by transferring the shares, (ii) resignation[1], and (iii) exclusion[2] from the partnership. Leaving aside the rule regarding the exclusion of the plaintiff claiming dissolution by just cause, a shareholder of a limited...Read More
According to Article 299 of the Turkish Code of Obligation No. 6098 (“TCO”), the parties to a lease agreement are the “lessor” and the “lessee”. Besides, Article 322/2 of the TCO states that “In residential and roofed business premises, the lessee shall not sublease, or transfer the right of use of the leased premises to...Read More
Articles 1472 and 1481 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (« TCC ») regulate the principle of subrogation in property insurance and liability insurance, respectively. The right of recourse arising from the principle of subrogation is that in the event of an occurrence of a risk, the insurer shall take the place of the...Read More
A minimum-term employment contract is a type of contract in which the employee undertakes the performance of work and the employer undertakes the payment of wages for a period not less than a certain period. In practice, it is generally agreed that the terminating party shall pay a certain amount of penalty if the agreement...Read More
Valuable residence tax is a duty paid by the owners, usufruct right holders, or in the absence of both of these, those making dispositions of a residential immovable property which has a value above a certain amount.According to Article 42 of the Real Estate Tax Law No. 1319 (“Law”), residential immovable properties within the borders...Read More